
Jun 5, 2011

Finding a focus

It's like when playing manual focus with DSLR, you gotta know where to focus to get the best image. Best image doesn't have to be what people think should be in focus, it should be what YOU want to capture. The general public or the machine itself might not believe that it should be the right image, but as long as you know that's what you want to get, it IS the best image. Of course there are still some rules you have to follow to take a good picture and that's something you can't neglect. But as long as you follow that set code of rules, however you set your focus, the final product will be a work of art - best image.

Life is like photography, you find your own focus, and put your effort into it. The final product should be what you want. Everyone will have different focus, and different images even if shooting at the same scenery. As long as you follow the general rules of how you produce this final product, nobody can judge your image as a bad product because everyone has a different focus.

When you use auto-focus on the camera, you are letting the machine judge what's the best focus for your image. The product can also match what you wanted in mind, but of course there are times they don't. When you let the environment influence your life focus, sure sometimes they match with what you want too, but sometimes they don't. There is nothing bad in letting people give you advice and suggestions to influence on how your life should go, just like there is nothing wrong with letting the camera decide what's the best focus when you're stuck or simply just don't mind that much.

But in the end, advanced photographers will find that manual focus is the most fun and most satisfactory thing to do, and it also shows that you have learned to take control of the image production. Life is just the same; in the end, the winners are those who learn to take control of their own life, know themselves what they are doing and what they want. And like advanced photography, taking manual control is definitely the most fun thing to do, and it gives you a greater sense of accomplishment and confidence when you see the final product turns out just the way you wanted.

When taking photos using manual focus, you experiment a lot in order to find the best image. You can't be afraid to try because you never know if one image is exactly what you want; one image may turn out fine, but it might not necessarily be the best image that makes you go "wow." The goal of manual focus is not only to learn how to take control, but also to experiment and FIND the best image. Life has several different paths to take, and we can choose to be satisfied with one path and just keep going along. But we can also experiment and try different things to really find what's the best.

When you find that image that makes you go "WOW," then you can stop and publish that as your final product - best image, work of art.

When you find that path in life that makes you say "yup this is what i really want and I'm really satisfied and happy about it with no complaint," then you have finally found the meaning of life.

Let's all work hard to become that successful photographer in life, to find and produce the best image that we can show people.

"Yup this is my life, and I'm proud of it."

p.s.: Of course photography involves more than just manually controlling "focus" (I know there are like aperture, shutter speed, white balance and all those specific stuff) but for easier understanding of the analogy, I thought only using "focus" would be better. :P

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