
Aug 21, 2010

poem writing attempt (2010.08.21)

Felt like writing a poem today, so here it is.

Hiking up the mountain slowly,
I feel the breeze gently
touching my face - as gentle as your hand.

The trees and flowers swinging back and forth
in the wind as if they're dancing
to the sweet tune sung by the birds - as sweet as your voice.

The sun shines its warming light down
at the valley below
making its beauty radiate brightly - as bright as your smile.

The clouds, as white and soft as paper,
slowly move across the clear blue sky
like letters being sent to a distant land.

I want to write a message on them
so that maybe when they pass above you
you can see my shout-out - I miss you.

I don't know how I should title this yet though. It was just a sudden inspiration :P

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